In today's day and age, there is a plethora of health technology products, from pedometers to heart rate monitors. However, as these technologies continue to advance, it's becoming more challenging to master them.
Many people face one of two situations in their health journey:
The first is the beginner, who has just started or is about to start working on their fitness goals and doesn't know where to start. The other is someone who is in the middle of their goals and feels like they need more help. Personal health tracking devices have become incredibly popular as a result. Everyone needs a starting point and wants something to push them further.
Below, we'll explore important information about pedometers, specifically their advantages in helping you achieve your health goals.
What Are Pedometers and How Do They Work?
While the technology behind pedometers may be complex, their function is not. Pedometers are a classic product that has been around for years. Today, most people use cell phone applications to track their steps.
Key Component:
Global Positioning System (GPS): one of the key components of a modern pedometer that tracks your location and distance traveled.
Accelerometer: a built-in sensor that detects your body movement and displays the number of steps.
How do pedometers help achieve fitness goals?
1. Set a goal and track your steps: The recommended goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day. A pedometer can motivate you to walk more and help you track those steps. Reaching 10,000 steps will bring many benefits, from lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, to reducing total body fat, to improving overall health.
2. Overcome mental barriers: Starting a fitness journey can be daunting, but using a pedometer can help you set goals and achieve them gradually. Even if 10,000 steps sounds like a lot, you can start with 7,000-9,000 steps to get used to your new workout routine and overcome mental challenges.
3. Explore new health tracking tools: Qring is a personal health tracking ring that tracks your steps, routine, diet, heart rate, and sleep, providing you with a personalized health score to help you better achieve your fitness goals.
Personal health tracking devices such as pedometers can help achieve fitness goals by tracking your progress and motivating you to keep going. If you're looking for a device that can really push you on your fitness journey, the Qring is an option you can't afford to miss.