
Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

High HRV is a marker of overall health and fitness and can reflect changes in the body earlier than heart rate. Heart rate variability can help to identify signs of...

Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

High HRV is a marker of overall health and fitness and can reflect changes in the body earlier than heart rate. Heart rate variability can help to identify signs of...

Qring tracks the intensity of your activity

Qring tracks the intensity of your activity

Because of the strong linear relationship between heart rate and exercise, Qring can track your intensity of activity, which is a percentage of the power of the heart during physical...

Qring tracks the intensity of your activity

Because of the strong linear relationship between heart rate and exercise, Qring can track your intensity of activity, which is a percentage of the power of the heart during physical...

The Power of Happiness Tracking: Your Guide to Living Well

The Power of Happiness Tracking: Your Guide to ...

Introducing Qring: your comprehensive health tracker When it comes to health tracking devices, Qring is undoubtedly a revolutionary solution. This stylish and comfortable ring provides comprehensive biometric data including heart...

The Power of Happiness Tracking: Your Guide to ...

Introducing Qring: your comprehensive health tracker When it comes to health tracking devices, Qring is undoubtedly a revolutionary solution. This stylish and comfortable ring provides comprehensive biometric data including heart...

Calories burned with the Qring

Calories burned with the Qring

Qring is the most unobtrusive and stylish solution for tracking your calorie consumption and vital signs at any point in your daily life.

Calories burned with the Qring

Qring is the most unobtrusive and stylish solution for tracking your calorie consumption and vital signs at any point in your daily life.

Heart rate monitors: how do I use them?

Heart rate monitors: how do I use them?

Functions of Qring Heart Rate Tracking: The optical heart rate sensor detects blood volume changes, calculating and transmitting heart rate data in real-time. Heart Rate Variability and Respiratory Rate: These...

Heart rate monitors: how do I use them?

Functions of Qring Heart Rate Tracking: The optical heart rate sensor detects blood volume changes, calculating and transmitting heart rate data in real-time. Heart Rate Variability and Respiratory Rate: These...

Stress Level Tracking: The Path to Inner Peace

Stress Level Tracking: The Path to Inner Peace

Stress is everywhere in modern life, from tight deadlines to endless to-do lists. Qring's Stress Level Tracker is designed to help you find your way to inner peace and overcome...

Stress Level Tracking: The Path to Inner Peace

Stress is everywhere in modern life, from tight deadlines to endless to-do lists. Qring's Stress Level Tracker is designed to help you find your way to inner peace and overcome...