Can QRing be synch with other external app?
Google Fit Supported.
No Subscribe Fee to get access to QRing app
It will always remain free with the purchase of a QRing. The only cost is the one time fee of the ring itself.
Which devices is the QRing compatible with?
Compatible with most mobile devices that run iOS 11 or later, or Android 6 or later.
How do I connect my QRing to my phone?
Launch your QRing application.
The app will ask you to give it permission to access your Bluetooth and localization and then launch the pairing process. You will no longer have to perform the pairing process in the future.
Please note that the ring can be paired to one device at a time but an account can be paired to several rings. Your data is stored on your personal and dedicated account and only you will have access to your data. If you have the same Aizo account on several phones, you will be able to see your data on these several phones but without being able to synchronize your ring's data on the different phones. Your ring can only sync to one phone at a time.
How do I turn on/off my QRing?
It’s so simple that you have nothing to do yourself.
There is no on / off button on the ring, it knows when you are wearing it or not and goes into standby by itself if you don't wear it.
All you have to do is pair the ring to your QRing app and the ring will start recording data.
Can I wear the QRing underwater?
Yes, the Qing is water resistant.
It's suitable for light water exposure like rain, washing your hands or showering. Do not put the ring under water for prolonged time (bath, sea, hammam).
Can I wear QRing at the gym?
It is not recommended to use the ring when carrying weight. Damage may occur to the ring.
It is recommended to wear a special outer-shell for sports as it will scratch faster.
Like regular jewelry, QRing can scratch if worn while lifting weights or gripping bars, or when scraping against metal, ceramics or stone. Apart from carrying weight, you can do sports with your ring.
Where can I download the QRing app?
The QRing app for iPhone will be available on the App Store for devices running iOS 11 or later. The QRing app for Android will be available on Google Play for devices running Android 6 or later.
Can I wear my ring during a sauna, sea or hammam?
It is not recommended to wear the ring during extreme high (superior than 60°C) and low temperature (inferior than -20°C) for more than 30 minutes.
How do I charge my QRing?
Directly connect the Aizo USB C charger to a USB C socket or use the supplied USB cable.
Simply place the magnetic pins that are located on the flat part of your QRing onto the magnetic pins of the charger.
The pins of the charger will be in contact with those of your ring so that it can be charged.
A LED on the charger turns on to notify you of when the ring charges.
The charger turns off when your ring is fully charged.